urban therme spa
herd of kiosk spas that traverse the lakeshore
During the few enjoyable months that are Chicago’s summer, sixty to seventy thousand people visit the lakefront on a daily basis. That number quickly dissipates as the weather turns sour, turning the loved location into nothing more than a desolate cold ice field.
Drawing from ancient roman spa archetypes, the kiosk proposal allows Chicagoans to congregate and relax in a fully-operational, lakefront facility the operates year round.
The gentle, curvaceous form is made to serve multiple experiences (hot and cold baths, dry sauna) without adjustments needed in a single unit. The kiosk is envisioned as a kit of parts that can facilitate any piece of the spa experience, while providing a population interest during the desolate months, as well as income during the winter months.
Collaboration with Andrew Sommerville and Alex Kaplan